Thinking of training with us?

  • Industry professionals

    There’s nobody better to gain industry knowledge from than industry professionals. There are only a handful of people who get to work professionally in Musical Theatre and the ones who make it got there through their sheer determination and work ethic. By working with these professionals in a rehearsal style environment, you are not only learning professional show material, you are also acquiring the industry knowledge from real working professionals.

  • Enhanced training

    Our training programmes are specifically designed for young people aged 7-19 who either want to pursue a career in Musical Theatre or who have a great passion for it and want to expand their knowledge. Our companies are split into Juniors and Seniors to help us tailor the sessions and content more precisely and help students gain the relevant knowledge and skills they need.

  • Build confidence

    Our classes are not run in the same way as ‘normal’ dance/drama/singing classes. Students are taught in a rehearsal style environment and are expected to be respectful and professional for every guest tutor that comes in. Due to the rehearsal like nature of our workshops, this also means that students are encouraged to perform in a space where they feel safe and supported by both the tutor and their fellow students. This in turn helps build their confidence and therefor their performance ability.

  • More than "triple threat"

    The term “triple threat training” is thrown around a lot these days as a blanket statement. One of our biggest aims is to take this one step further. As we all know, Musical Theatre is now an incredibly broad genre. Each element of singing, acting and dancing in shows contains a multitude of styles. Musical Theatre is now incredibly vast, and we like to cover as many bases as we possibly can. This is why each of our sessions is different from the last.

  • 44 training hours

    Each of our 11 sessions is 4 hours in length. This results in a total of 44 hours training over the course of the year working out at just £10 per hour!! With the price of practically everything except the air we breath increasing exponentially, we do our best to keep our training affordable. Which is why our programme works out cheaper than most regular classes/lessons.

  • Make new friends

    The joy of a programme like ours is that we get people travelling from all the surrounding areas. This means students get the opportunity to meet new people who share the same passion they do for Musical Theatre. It’s a fresh new space for them to bond with other students outside of their usual friendship groups at their weekly classes. This helps children build their social skills and confidence in a fresh, new environment.